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Earth Day 3/3: From Ashes to Beauty

If fires must happen and earth is needed for creating the natural habitats and buildings we call home, where does it leave other elements such as water and air. Stagnant water goes stale, whereas a running river flows and irrigates, so it seems there’s a natural way for life to carry its current. Air like…

Earth Day 2/3: From Ashes to Beauty

It seems like the world has been going through so many transformations the last couple of years and not all related to Covid. The world itself has been catching on fire, Australia two years ago, Hawaii last year, also earthquakes, cyclones, storms and floods took the lives of millions of people in 2023. This is…

Earth Day 1/3: From Ashes to Beauty

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” Albert Einstein Location: Kilauea Last year around this time I went to Big Island, Hawaii, for the first time, a cozy reminder of Colombia’s rich blue waters. San Andres island in Colombia, was a great summer destination while growing up, it set a high…

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